So what is heart coherence?

When we look at the definition of the word ‘Coherence’, it generally means “the quality of being logical and consistent” or “the quality of forming a unified whole”.

On the contrary, when we say something is incoherent, it usually means something is unclear, confusing, muddled, unintelligible and/or incomprehensible. We can say, both words are like frequencies and obviously, opposite, very different frequencies.

So, what is Heart Coherence™?

According to HeartMath Institute Research Director, Dr Rollin McCraty, “Coherence is the state when the heart, mind and emotions are in energetic alignment and cooperation. It is a state that builds resiliency – personal energy is accumulated, not wasted – leaving more energy to manifest intentions and harmonious outcomes.”

We as humans experience a full range of emotions naturally, and we can learn to develop gratitude and a state of love. Studies have shown this brings the heart rhythm into a coherent state; this is turn brings resilience and health, and our lives improve on many levels.

Dr. Ashley Salomon, MD

Dr. Ashley Salomon is a licensed medical doctor, board-certified in family medicine, and board member of the American Board of Physician Specialists (ABPS) for Integrative and Holisitic Medicine. She specializes in integrative, natural and supportive approaches to health and wellness and has a passion for energy medicine. She completed the specialty fellowship in Integrative Medicine from the University of Arizona (Andrew Weil’s program). Dr. Salomon uses her expertise in functional and biological medicine in combination with bioenergetic medicine for a unique approach to wellness and healing that bridges physical wellness with emotional and energetic well-being.

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